Avantages et inconvénients de la collaboration en ligne
La collaboration entre équipes sur le lieu de travail est un aspect critique en matière de performances et de productivité sur nimporte quel projet. Cela ninspire pas seulement des approches innovantes pour un projet, mais conduit également à une prise de décision rapide. Avec la croissance des systèmes et des logiciels de visioconférence, les employés peuvent désormais collaborer de nimporte où et à tout moment en utilisant un minimum de ressources.
Lutilisation de logiciels de vidéoconférence comme ezTalks Cloud Meeting a vraiment révolutionné la façon dont les entreprises collaborent en ligne . Mais comme tout autre processus de bureau, la collaboration en ligne présente un ensemble davantages et dinconvénients. Déterminer ces avantages et ces inconvénients peut aider une entreprise à élaborer un plan daction pour surmonter les défis et les obstacles qui peuvent survenir en cours de route.
Avantages du Web Collaboration
1. Commodité dans lorganisation de réunions One of the key advantages of online collaboration is that it makes it easier for people who aren't in the same location to work together. Most companies have branches and/or offices in multiple cities and countries. And to ensure those working on a given project are informed and engaged,the use of online collaboration software is important. For instance,ezTalks Cloud Meeting can allow up to 500 participants to join in a meeting and listen to the presenter at once. With such a huge meeting capacity,company employees can effectively call for a meeting and collaborate with one another,regardless of their geographical differences. 2. Gestion simplifiée des projets With the ability to convene a meeting at anytime from anywhere,online collaboration makes it easier to manage team projects. For instance,when introducing or analyzing a new company product,the production team may need to work with other departments like Research & Development (RD),marketing and sales. Online collaboration software provides an ideal platform for all these players to engage in meaningful discussions about the proposed product. That means the person in charge of the product department can generate a report quite seamlessly and submit it to the bosses within the set timelines. 3. Achèvement plus rapide des projets When different stakeholders are involved in a given project,each of them is likely to give the best input in terms of expertise. A collaborative team that recognizes its synergies can have excellent viable solutions shared quickly and decisions reached in time. Once the conclusions have been tabled,presented to the bosses and approved,the next phase will obviously be implementation. Online collaboration can particularly fuel faster completion of projects since project stakeholders can meet and interact online without experiencing time constraints and inconveniences. 4. Économies de coûts significatives If those participating in a meeting are many,it can sometimes be a challenge to find a physical space that can accommodate everyone. Online collaboration software allows businesses to host online meetings in real time with hundreds of participants interacting simultaneously. Employees can actually call for urgent meetings and discuss important project issues using the minimal resources. It doesn't really matter whether one is at home,on the road or in the office.ezTalks Cloud Meeting provides users with innovative whiteboards and screen sharing options that make collaborative sessions even more engaging. The use of telepresence video conferencing particularly simulates the real-life meeting rooms,which makes mastering facial expressions and body language easy. With such robust online collaboration solutions,there's no need to book flights,hotel rooms or meeting spaces. Online meetings can simply be organized and disseminated instantly over a virtual meeting room. In the long run,a business utilizing online collaboration will experience improved performance and productivity while enjoying significant cost savings on communication.Inconvénients de la collaboration en ligne
1. Manque dinteraction en face à face
Si la collaboration en ligne via la visioconférence permet une communication en temps réel entre les personnes, elle na pas laspect de linteraction en face à face. Par exemple, les participants à une réunion ne peuvent pas se disputer simultanément sur la plate-forme en ligne en raison de délais plus longs. Cela peut parfois limiter le niveau dengagement des employés lors dune réunion en ligne. Et lorsque la qualité du flux vidéo est médiocre, il est difficile pour les participants à une réunion de déchiffrer faci